Wednesday, July 30, 2008
everything in the world due at the same time
much love
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Vacation Bible School and the Dark Knight!
Friends and Family,
Exciting happenings are…well…happening here in our little coroner of
Today was the first day of
In the afternoons of this week Huberto and I have organized a soccer tournament. Today was the first day and largely, a success. We formed teams and played team building games in which they got to know each other and make new friends. Points were given to the teams that accomplished the games the quickest or with good team spirit. I am really excited about the next few days, excited to make new friends, build relationships, and see God work in the lives of these kids.
In other news, Nicolle’s classes start next week. I think that she is excited to finally have something to do, although if you knew the hassle she has had to get these classes started…it is enough to make some people want to run away to
Please pray for: for all the details of Nicolle’s classes to get worked out, for strong relationships with the kids on the block, for the right opportunity and right words to lead them to Christ, for our friends from Apex. Praise God!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Night at the movies

So we went to a mall about 20 minutes away to see a movie. three kids from the youth group came with us and a family from the church. It was so much fun! the mall was really cool, had a lot of stores in it and a HUGE food cort (Nicolle and I want to go back for a date some time). What movie you say? well, we were going to see Bat Man but it was all sold out so we saw Hancock! the new Will Smith movie. Every one really liked it, I thought it was great and would recommend it. It is a well done movie, with funny parts, sad parts, and a good plot. has anyone else seen it? what do you think?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
opps, I missed a week!
My dear friends,
I confess, I completely forgot about the news letter last week! As such, there is much to tell so I will try to be brief with the stories in order that they all fit.
First of all, I’ve been making some improvements to the apartment in the last few days. I have been putting to use the skills I learned for my first degree (in tool and die manufacturing) and what my Dad taught me with wood working by building some shelves for the kitchen. I have assembled one shelf so far and have wood for one more. Nicolle is really happy about it because up until this point half of our food storage was a suit case! Also note worthy of calibration, we have internet in our apartment now!!!!!!!!! This will make my school work much easier as I will not have to leave the house and go to the church to use the internet after hours. Yeah!!!!!
In other news, he Wednesday night at the movies saw significant growth last Wednesday, we started out with about 17 or 18 kids. Some had to leave early because they lived far away, others left early because of technical difficulties with the movie, but all in all, it was another fun night. I was most excited to see repeat visitors, and new kids that I did not invite; their friends brought them! Gloria a Dios!
The last big topic I will mention is V.B.S. This is our final week for preparing for
Please pray for: Help to get all of the supplies and paper work gathered and finished. Strengthening our relationships with the kids on our block; that they would all come to the soccer tournament during V.B.S., hear the word of God, and be transformed by God’s love and truth; continuing Spanish improvement, and that all of the details for Nicolle’s semester at Iberoamericana would get worked out (don’t ask, it is a long and depressing story; but we need help).
Friday, July 11, 2008
Movie night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Ok, so the church bought a new projector for the worship services and I helped put it up. It is pretty cool, and much brighter than the old projector. This has two, count em two benefits: one, the youth group gets the old projector in the youth room. Cool!!! And two, the new projector is bright enough to show movies!!!! Ok, ok, so there are probably more benefits than two, but those are the ones that directly affect me and my ministry with the kids! Selfish? Possibly. I am straining for a higher level of sanctification every day but I still get excited about such things as MOVIE NIGHTS WITH THE KIDS!!!
On Wednesday last, we invited a bunch of kids from the youth group and from around the block and told them to bring a pillow and a pop and we would bring the movie and popcorn. It worked beautifully!!!! Gloria a Dios! There were 14 kids there from age 17 all the way down to 4 (I’m not sure how the three little tikes made it, I think they were cousins of someone). Here is the best part, I believe for at least 7 or 8 of them it was their first time in the church! It was a great step in gaining relationships in the neighborhood, and I am really looking forward to the next movie night. Thank you for your prayers everyone, I covet them.
P.S. sorry, no pictures. I need to have my camera permanently attached to my face so I can capture all of these exciting moments for all yalls (I think that is vosotros in Spanish).
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Cooking at 8,000 feet

So, if you didn’t know, one encounters many cooking obstacles when cooking and baking at high altitudes. Also, if you didn’t know,
Monday, July 7, 2008
I have the best job in the world!

Loved ones,
Mexican sayings for shopping. What men say: Yo lo quiero bueno, bonito, y barato! (I want it good, pretty, and cheep!). What women say: Yo lo quiero bueno, bonito, y El paga! (I want it good, pretty, and he pays!).
Earlier this week Huberto and I went to down town
In other news, I put to use the machinist and roofing skills to use this week. Strange combination, I know, so here is how it played out. The church recently bought a new projector and Huberto and I decided we could put it up. This required drilling and tapping four holes in a steal beam…20 feet in the air! Yup, I machined the holes using the fearless insanity on ladders I learned while roofing last summer.
Coming up, the latest on my level of angst… I have Monday off. Tuesday through Friday I begin to wonder what on earth I am doing in
Please pray for: Strengthening our relationships with the kids on our block; that they would all come to the soccer tournament during V.B.S., hear the word of God, and be transformed by God’s love and truth; continuing Spanish improvement, and that all of the details for Nicolle’s semester at Iberoamericana would get worked out (don’t ask, it is a long and depressing story; but we need help).
P.S. if you haven’t yet, check out the blog, it’s cool:
accidentle pina colada

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Funny thing, one of the girls in the neighborhood has a dog, a little dog (with a big heart and bark!) who’s name is “kitty!” I thought this was really funny and thought she did it on purpose, but she didn’t know what I was laughing about. So I asked her what the name meant, and she just said it was a name. When I told her that in English the name meant “little cat” she cried “Oh, no!´ and all of her friends started laughing! It was great!
In other news I ate at another little taco stand that I absolutely LOVE! I’m telling you, the little taco stands on the street corners are three things that Mexicans love: Bueno, Bonito, y barato! (good, pretty, and cheep!). This food was so greasy, I could feel my arteries clogging just from smelling it! And no, if your wondering, I am anything but regular. But I have a secret weapon if I don’t clear up soon. Two slices of six whole grain, whole wheat bread, with a half inch of peanut butter on each side, sandwiching a inch of Wheaties. Nicolle says that if I eat one of those I won’t be able to poop for a week! Heheheh
P.S. I think I may have possibly-maybe-slightly-a little bit-kind of bent the life style agreement. So Nicolle and I bought a pineapple. And guess what, it takes a long time for two people to eat through a pineapple. Possibly, I don’t really know, possibly long enough for it to ferment. Yah, tasted a little strong there toward the end. But no fear, I could still walk a straight line.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Sobering Thoughts (Nicolle)
Today these histories played back in my head and made me think of her children and how much they knew about their father. Regardless of whether they know how their father beat their mother, they know that their father is angry and is unable to be a father to anyone. From an earlier conversation with Huberto, I know this to be the life of many in Mexico. Now having the details of one such story, my heart is torn. I realize that Huberto, who hasn't had a father since he was young, will be a father to many. I know he will do wonderfully and will break this pattern by being an amazing father to his own children someday...but wow how this nation who has no idea what a good father is like, need the Heavenly Father. It is easy for me to believe in a loving Heavenly Father, because I have a loving earthly father who means the world to me, but for these people who need to know God is a loving father, it is even harder for them to believe because so many of their earthly fathers have failed.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. trust in god; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
John 14:1-3
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Mexico city, week one
Well, I have just completed my first week of ministry in
Highlights! On Friday, Nicolle and I went to a prayer meeting and with our Spanglish and the help of Huberto translating for us we shared some experiences that we have had in
To those of you who have been praying for us THANK YOU! We have seen Gods rich mercy and generosity, providing for all of our needs, even the ones we haven’t prayed for! In case you haven’t heard, we have a new used car and furniture for our apartment when we return(yeah, no sleeping bags).
Much love, Jon and Nicolle.
Please pray for: Our ministry with the kids, that we would make the most of every opportunity to love in the name of Jesus, improved Spanish skills, building relationships with the kids, wisdom for the foundation of youth ministry we are setting at Renovation church, and traveling safety, and that God would soften the hearts of these kids. THANK YOU!