To our dear friends,
Ladies and gentlemen we can hardly contain our excitement! God has answered our prayers and led us to a totally awesome apartment in the Huntington area! Here is the story. For the last month, Nicolle has been stalking the ads in the Huntington newspaper. She would go on everyday and keep track of which apartments had come and gone, and where the good deals were. All this time, some friends and I had been praying that God would provide us with an apartment that we could afford, one that would meet our needs. Well, the pickings were slim, and going quick, we held on to hope that God would provide. As November rolled around, I began to call a few of the landlords to ask some questions. A few of our choices got knocked off right away when we found out more information. However, we were left with about a dozen apartments to look at. This is where our dear friend Lynette Miller came into play. She is a friend and co-worker at Coffee D’Vine with Nicolle. Lynette was nice enough to drive to the apartments that we were interested in and take some pictures. We then used these pics to determine if these apartments would work out. Well, we stayed up to 2:00am last Saturday because she sent us a new batch. When we saw the large kitchen, the large living room, and all the storage nooks and crannies (Not to mention an attic that we can use!!!) we just had to jump on it. We called the next day and made a deal with the landlord, who is willing to hold it for us until we return. PRAISE GOD!!! We are just so excited to get back and move in! We are looking forward to setting up the place and making it a home.
In other news, Nicolle and I got to baby-sit for our friends the Poulettes this past Saturday night. It was a rather relaxing evening for us even though little Ben was very cranky and fussy. I got to play with Nathan and fly him around the house. He is fun because he weighs like 35 lb. wet, so I enjoy flipping him around and picking him up by the ankle and spinning him around my head, and other such shenanigans (just kidding about the spinning part Dennis haha). I gather from his squeals, giggles, laughter and big smile that he enjoys it too! Hahaha!!
This coming Thursday Nicolle and I are really pumped about going over to the Poulette’s for Thanksgiving dinner! I hear that Dennis has already bought the bird, and Janell is planning on making all the trimmings. Nicolle and I will be contributing deviled eggs and sweet potato fluff (thanks to my dearest, sweet, thoughtful, kind, wonderful, warm, gentle, loving, fantastic mother-in-law’s latest care package which included two cans of sweet potatoes!!!). Our social calendar has another date for this coming Sunday. Right after church Nicolle and I are going to a friend’s house where we will be having a MOVIE NIGHT with four or five friends from the church. We are both really excited about it. I am excited and looking forward to this as a good way to relax after preaching…in big church…in Spanish…possibly without help…
We can hardly believe how fast the weeks are slipping by. In a mere three weeks we will be headed for home to see our long lost friends and family. We are both really excited to be back and see everyone. 22 days!
The last newsworthy note has to do with my homework. It is all finished, and I sent it today. Over 70 some pages of papers, case studies, and journals, pictures, teaching sessions, and more. That is such a relief!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please pray for: My preparation for preaching next week; for our ministry with our core kids, that their faith is strengthened; for our continued relationships and outreach with the youth of our colonia.
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