Computer surgeon? Why not?!
So Nicolle and I were chilling the other night, goofing off and what not. One thing led to another (no, this is not going where you think it is, this web sit is PG), and she started tickling, and I retaliated by pinching her…lets just say in a place that caused an involuntary kick…that knocked her lap top off of the bed!
Ok, ok, I know what your thinking; but honestly, it would have been a good thing. Our laptops are insured, so if such a catastrophic situation as this would have happened, the computer would have been replaced by a bran-spank’in-new one! The only thing that keeps me from drop-kicking her busted pile of …lap top is that, well, I just can’t bring myself to commit insurance fraud. That, and it still serves us well, all be it, slower than molasses in January. Like I said, would have been a good thing. The computer is pretty much fine because our NON REPLACEABLE $40.00 Magic Jack USB phone port took the full brunt of the fall. It wasn’t pretty.
So there we were, wondering if we could afford a new one, and find a way to get it to Mexico! Well, to make a long story boring, we figured, it’s already broken, I can’t make it any worse no matter what I do! So, I borrowed a soldering iron from a friend, grabbed my old USB flash drive (which has served me well for six years mind you…and Nicolle wondered why I wanted to play taps), took them both apart, and made like Dr. Frankenstein! The best part of this story is, when we finished, we plugged it in and heard a dial tone. IT’S ALLLIIIVE!!!!!!!!
I can't believe that you legitimately knocked the thing off onto the floor and still didn't break it!!! Only you Jon! Glad you got the magic jack fixed though....the only uninsured item....LOL
I'm impressed.
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