Dear friends,
It’s October!!!!!!! Seriously, October already; man time flies. Not to honk my own horn, but my birthday is in TWO days! Yah, I am a little excited about it because Nicolle has plans, secrety plans, and I love surprises! Funny thing, my PRIME supervisor Dennis Poulette has the same birthday as I do, so we are going to get together this Thursday for a little fiesta. Yea!!!!
In other news, one of my ministry professors from Huntington University just came down to visit me! This was sort of a check up to see how my internship is going, its all part of the PRIME package (really, I’m not in trouble or anything…to their knowledge!). While Dr. Jones was here she interviewed Huberto and Dennis to get their take on my progress while here as a minister and intern. She also looked at the lesson plans I developed and gave me some helpful advice. I am really glad that Dr. Jones was able to come, and had a wonderful time with her while she was here. Though I wish a few things would have gone smoother. While she was here she was supposed to observe me teaching, which I thought would be a snap because I teach youth group on Saturdays. However, when 4:00pm rolled around there were no kids…there were also no kids at 5:00…or at 6:00pm for English classes. It was a little frustrating that no one showed up the whole night, not even the volunteers! Fortunately, Dr. Jones has had prior experience with Latin American culture and knows how things like this happen and cannot really be anticipated. Also, Dr. Jones and I went out for a light dinner to talk my time here and we ended up getting caught in a torrential down pore! We were both soaked to the bone and joked about what stories she would tell when she returned. I am glad that she has a good sense of humor! The last day she was here she got to experience the Sunday morning worship service. She learned of how our Church has taken care of us in the last few months and told us that from what she saw, we are VERY blessed to be at this Church. This we knew, we love our Church family here! The last thing we did was go out to dinner on Sunday afternoon to Toks. It is a very nice restaurant similar in class to Cheddars. Not only did Dr. Jones spring for our food (for me, tasty green enchiladas!!!), but also desert! Good times ;)
Our last story this evening comes straight from the Campus of FEC Acetlan, where my lovely, beautiful, gracious, always smiling wife attends classes. As some of you may know, I play piano. I really like to play piano…a lot! However, I have not had the opportunity to play a piano in quite some months. Granted, the church has a keyboard that I occasionally play for worship, but, as all of you piano snobs out there like me know, it’s just not the same. Now, sense I started taking Nicolle to her Spanish classes at FEC Acetlan I have occasionally heard piano music playing, a few stray notes carried to my ears on the wine; but could never tell which building it was coming from. I hoped to fine out so that I could practice a few scales and some things from memory to build up my muscle tone, coordination, and speed before returning to Huntington. How knows, maybe even start a new piece! Well, after two weeks of searching I found the place! I was able to talk to the instructor and the head of the department, but unfortunately, they could not lend the use of their one and only piano to a non-student. Turns out they have 28 students for one piano, and this teacher instructs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:00am to 8:00pm! Sad news, but life goes on.
Pease pray for: My school load, for getting home work done; with only 2 months left, I need help with focusing on the time I have left, and doing my besting this ministry for Gods glory; for Nicolle and her classes, and for our ministry hear with the kids.
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