To my loyal readers,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who reads this letter, prays for us, and sends us notes. You folks have made this adventure possible, this pivotal part of my education a reality, and I thank you. Why all the introspection? Well, it has come to my attention that Nicolle and I have but eight weeks left here in Mexico; it seems as a single grain in the sands of time.
I’m sorry to say that this newsletter will be a shorty as I am currently feeling a bit under the weather. Honestly, I am not surprised that I am sick, only that it took so long for me to fall ill. This month has been a toughy! I have been reorganizing the ministry with Huberto, had a visit from one of my professors at Huntington University, and cramming crazy amounts of homework in every spare second. Needless to say, my egg is fried.
Our food supply plan has been working so smoothly as of late. Nicolle and I had lunch at a church family’s house yesterday and we had lamb, and it tasted like roast beef…kind of. It was good! We also received another invitation for lunch after church for next Sunday as well. If we keep this up we may not have to go shopping again!
In other news, I preached to the youth group this last Sunday, and yes, it was in Spanish. Well, needless to say, I learned some things that I already new. One, I need more practice preaching. Two, I need to study more Spanish. And three, Mexican church services go long…really long. I preached for 45 minutes (fully double what I have done in the past in the states) and still finished almost a half hour earlier than the adult service. So, Huberto came up and helped me stretch out the wrap up. He’s a good man.
Well folks, just as I promised, short, sweet, and too the point. One last thing before I go, I need to say this so that it gets done. There WILL be pictures on my blog from my birthday adventures THIS WEEK. I am sorry that it has taken so long to get them up…stuff…youth ministry conference…preaching…homework…sicky-head…there you go.
Much love from me to allllllllll of you!
Please pray for: a change in the attitudes of the kids in our colonia regarding church (its not scary, boring, bad, uncool, etc.); my school load, for getting homework done; for our ministry with our core kids and strengthening their faith; for our continued relationships and outreach with the youth or our colonia, and for the men's retreat that we are planning.
1 comment:
Who knew you could actually blend into ANYTHING with that sweatshirt? Ummm ya, almost can't tell you're even there! LOL
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