Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cultural differences Part two

Friends and family,

I learned more interesting cultural differences in my situational Spanish class today. We were talking about the drinking habits of Americans and Mexicans, collage age people in particular. I learned that Mexicans think it unusual to hear of college students dying of alcohol poising. My teacher thins the reasoning for this is that Americans slam shots, really fast, and the blood alcohol level rises too quickly. But Mexicans, whom he thinks drink just as much, tend to savor a really good tequila, drinking slowly. He also said that—and by the way, all of this is speaking in general terms—he said that usage of other illegal drugs in Mexico is not as great as in the states because in Mexico it is considered very shameful, and probably a weakness.

In other news…well, I had other news on the bus this morning. But, I did not write it down and I do not remember what it was. Tomorrow I will right down my ideas as they come to me.

Faith, Hope, and Love


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